

Gypsum was formed by the evaporation of the ancient ocean about 150-200 million years ago. In nature, it occurs in the form of gypsum stone, which is located in the bowels of the earth.

The production and consumption of gypsum has been going on for several thousand years, because it is difficult to find a more versatile, inexpensive and practical material.

There are facts confirming that it was used during the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Gypsum is the most environmentally friendly material; in terms of environmental friendliness, it is comparable only to wood.

Gypsum is the first human-derived astringent that has been used since then.

Gypsum can be of both natural and industrial origin.

It is obtained both from natural gypsum stone and from chemical waste. The essence of the operation is to exclude water (dehydration) from the gypsum composition when the temperature rises. Humanity discovered this simple method of obtaining about 20 thousand years ago. People noticed that after firing, gypsum turned into powder, and then, after rain, it again transformed into stone.

And it is not surprising that, due to its unique qualities, gypsum is still especially in demand in various industries. Gypsum is used as a non-combustible coating for metal structures. Fibrous gypsum (selenite) is used for inexpensive jewelry. Since ancient times, large jewelry has been carved from alabaster - interior items (vases, countertops, inkpots, etc.).

In its "raw" form it is used as a fertilizer in the pulp and paper industry, in the chemical industry to obtain paints, enamels, and glazes. Gypsum is used as a binding material in construction and medicine. Also, gypsum is used to create decorative elements in the classical style (bas-reliefs, cornices, etc.). Gypsum was widely used in architecture in ancient culture.

Yellowish and denser varieties of gypsum are good ornamental materials. Plaster is used to create impressions of the jaws and apply plaster casts for fractures.

Gypsum and gypsum products have many advantages over other materials.

In favor of the choice of gypsum include:

- gypsum is odorless and, moreover, is not an allergen;

- the material has a microporous structure. This property allows you to control the humidity in the room. If it is in excess, the gypsum simply collects moisture, accumulates and gives off during ventilation;

- gypsum is absolutely non-toxic. Unlike other natural building materials, which have moderate radioactivity and poisons, nothing similar has been found in the chemical composition of natural stone;

- the material is recyclable. It is important to note that during this process, no harmful substances and toxins are released into the environment;

- such an environmentally friendly facing material is fireproof, non-flammable. Moreover, the gypsum coating contains 20% crystallization water, which can become an additional source when extinguishing a fire in a room. This is not to say that the fire will be extinguished with gypsum, but it will prevent the fire from spreading;

- gypsum also has excellent sound insulation. If you use a material with a thickness of 12 mm, then it will be equivalent to laying a half-brick, and this, in addition, significantly saves space;

- eco-friendly material has low thermal conductivity, therefore it retains warmth, coziness and comfort in the room. If you touch the gypsum finishing material itself, you can feel the warmth to the touch.

We cannot ignore such a unique and ecological material and offer our exclusive solutions and designs.

We make high-quality, unique and original gypsum products.

You can buy ready-made gypsum products from us or order any according to your individual design.

Exclusive and unique gypsum products

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